Transfer a premises licence

A premises licence may be transferred from one party, partnership, person or company to another.

Before you apply

You must ensure that the premises licence:

  • has not been surrendered
  • has not lapsed
  • is not the subject of a current or recent prosecution or review
  • current holder agrees to the transfer
  • has no outstanding annual fees from previous licence holders

The applicant must ensure that the layout of the premises conforms to the plan held by the Council.

If there are changes to the premises layout

If changes to the layout of the premises are to be made or any changes to the licensing activities then a variation application may also be required.


It costs £23 to transfer a premise licence. You can pay by cheque made payable to Croydon Council. Alternatively, you can pay now be made over the telephone by credit or debit card by calling the Licensing Team.

How to apply

Before you apply contact the licensing team at for the correct reference number.

To apply online

1.    You must download and complete the consent of premises licence holder to transfer form (Doc, 51KB), this must be signed by the current premises licence holder. 

The signed form must be uploaded when making your online application. 

2.    Complete the online application to transfer form

To apply by post

Download the application to transfer a premise licence (Doc, 244KB)

Download consent of premises licence holder to transfer (Doc, 51KB) – this must be signed by the current existing premises licence holder

Post your application form

Send the completed form and application fee by cheque to the licensing team and a copy of the application form to the Licensing Sergeant Licensing Office.

Licensing team
Telephone: 020 8760 5466

Croydon Council, Licensing Team
6th Floor, Zone A
Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk

A copy of the application must also be sent to:

Licensing Sergeant Licensing Office
Metropolitan Police Service
Croydon Police Station
71 Park Lane

After you've applied

Your application will take 14 days to process after which a new premises licence will be issued and sent out to you.

Annual fee

There is an annual fee payable each year due on the date when the original licence was granted.

If you decide not to be the premises holder

If you no longer wish to be the premises licence holder(s) then you must arrange for the new person, party, partnership or company to transfer the premises licence again. Alternatively, this licence may be surrendered – you should call the Licensing Team to discuss.

If you need to vary your designated premises supervisor

A separate form needs to be completed if the designated premises supervisor is changing. An application to vary the designated premises supervisor must be applied for.