Appeal a refused application
Applicants have a right of appeal to the Secretary of State if:
- the council fails to reach a decision on your application within the statutory time frame (8 or 13 weeks depending on the scale of the application, called a non-determination)
- the council refuses planning permission
- you want to challenge the conditions imposed on a grant of planning permission
Only the applicant can submit an appeal. Other interested parties, such as neighbours, can't appeal the decision, but they will be consulted.
For more information on making an appeal, go to The Planning Inspectorate website.
The appeals process
You must send your appeal to the Planning Inspectorate within 3 months of the planning decision being given. If a decision hasn't been given, the time limit is 3 months from the date by which the decision should have been made.
There is an 8-week fast-track process for decisions.
Other than enforcement appeals, there is no charge for making an appeal. Within Croydon, less than 35% of appeals succeed.
Submit a revised planning application
Instead of making an appeal, you can submit a revised application instead, as it’s often quicker.
If your initial application is refused, the decision letter and report published on our website will advise you on what was wrong with your application. We recommend that you consider the issues we raised and then submit a pre-application enquiry prior to a re-submission, so that your re-submitted application is more likely to succeed.
Amends to approved decisions
Once a successful decision has been made, you may wish to amend the proposal. For example, to reduce the cost of the development or to follow a different design.
To make an amendment, you may need to apply for a non-material amendment or a minor material amendment through The Planning Portal.
You’ll need to submit plans showing the approved scheme and the revised scheme, clearly showing what the changes are. You'll also have to pay a fee.
Guidance notes
Guidance note 6 – What happens after your application is approved? (PDF, 220KB)
Guidance note 7 – What happens after your application is refused? (PDF, 230KB)