Our services
Children In Care Council provides looked after young people in Croydon the opportunity to work alongside adult leaders in addressing issues that lead to positive changes in their lives. Young people have the opportunity to build relationships with their peers and adults while also developing skills that will better prepare them for adulthood.
Age groups
4 to 10 year olds: There is a variety of events during the year for younger children so their views can be captured in a creative and child-friendly way.
11 to 16 year olds: Young people aged 16 to 18 are still able to attend these sessions along with the monthly senior sessions to help bridge the gap in their transition to leaving care. The sessions are fortnightly and include training, trips, and consultations.
17 to 25 year olds: These care leavers forums meet on a monthly basis, and have access to a dynamic programme to support leaving care and living independently.
Our offer
Regularly Scheduled Hub Sessions: Fun and engaging sessions where young people can be in a safe and supportive environment with their peers and adult staff.
Participation Opportunities: Young people have opportunities to participate alongside their peer and adults in decision making that has a direct impact on their lives and their peers. Young people are compensated for their time spent in these participation efforts.
Free Teambuilding and Collaboration Excursions: Young people have access to various fun and educational excursions including movies, theme parks, skating, and theatre for the purpose of teambuilding and strengthening collaboration.
Trusted Adult Support: Young people have the opportunity to build relationships with trusted adults who offer various forms of support for the young people, as well as access to other resources.
Young people ages 14-25 years of age have the opportunities to become Ambassadors for the Croydon Children In Care Council. Ambassadors are trained and supported to work directly with Croydon leadership in decision making that impacts them and their peers lives directly. Ambassadors are the first young people called upon with young people are being asked to participate as adults. Ambassadors do interviews for new hires, serve on youth panels, attend Corporate Parenting Board meetings, and work on projects alongside adult leadership. Ambassadors are compensated for their participation time with adults.
Interested in Getting Involved?
Text “I’m Interested!” to: 07926 084741
Email us at CICC@croydon.gov.uk