Book an appointment

You should register the death in the Borough in which the death occurred. Any deaths which occurred in Croydon should be registered at Croydon Register Office.

If you register the death at another register office this will delay you receiving the death certificate. The other register office will send your details to us and you will be able to order certificates online 2 working days later.

Deaths must be registered as soon as possible after the event, unless a coroner is conducting an investigation into the circumstances.

Book an appointment

You can book an appointment by selecting 'Book Appointment to Register a Death' on the online form.

Start now

If you want to cancel your appointment

You can cancel your appointment by using the online form.

Cancel appointment

If you need a burial within 24 hours

We offer an on call service for deaths which require burial within 24 hours.

Contact the Croydon Register Office.

Out of hours
Telephone: 07909 893 145
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, 9am to 11am

During the appointment

Your appointment will last around 30 minutes. We'll take you through the registration and issue a certificate for burial or cremation to the funeral director of your choice.

If you want copies of the death registration certificate

These cost £12.50, payable by debit or credit card. You can also order certificates at a later date.