Scheduled maintenance:
Some of our online forms will be unavailable on Thursday 12 December between 7am and 9am. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Sheltered housing offers the peace of mind in knowing that support is available 24 hours a day, with an alarm system that can be activated from the rooms in your flat and from the communal areas.
If your application is successful, you will be asked which schemes you are interested in. The map below shows where our schemes are located. Not all will have places available.
We may also be able to assist you with social housing properties available in other parts of the country using the Homefinder UK scheme. Sometimes financial assistance is available to help you with moving out of Croydon.
If you want to relocate and you're a social housing tenant aged 55 and over, you may wish to consider the Seaside and Country Homes Scheme. This scheme has homes mainly in the south of England.
For more information on social housing relocation schemes you can email us.
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