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About the Civic Mayor of Croydon, their charities, how to invite them to your event, events and updates.
Whether you are a local community group, school, or charity, inviting the Civic Mayor to your event will lend an air of dignity and ceremony.
The Civic Mayor is keen to support as many organisations that contribute to the wellbeing of Croydon as they can, however they can. They are always pleased to hear from community and charity groups, carer organisations, schools, youth groups, musical, theatrical and art clubs, religious bodies - also about individuals who have particular achievements to celebrate such as 100th birthdays
They will try to get to as many of these events as possible. If engagements clash, they will try to arrange for their Deputy to attend instead.
Events which The Civic Mayor attends include;
They also visit schools in the borough to talk about the work of the Council and civic responsibility.
Where appropriate, they will be happy to invite individuals and small groups to meet them in the Town Hall and the Civic Mayor's Parlour. They conduct tours of the Council Chamber and The Civic Mayor’s Parlour for community groups.
If you want to invite The Civic Mayor to your event you need to write to or email The Civic Mayor at civicmayor@croydon.gov.uk and include the following information:
The Civic Mayor has lots of invitations so you need to give at least 10 days notice before the date of your event. You should give as much notice as possible.
Your invitation will be shown to The Civic Mayor at their weekly engagement meeting. You will receive a reply from the Mayoral office after this meeting.
If the Civic Mayor or Deputy Civic Mayor can attend your event, you will be sent some Protocol Notes and an Event Proforma. You need to complete and return these to the Mayoral office at least two weeks before your event.
The Civic Mayor's Office
Room F8, Croydon Town Hall
Katharine Street
Croydon CR0 1NX
United Kingdom
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