The Civic Mayor of Croydon

About the Civic Mayor of Croydon, their charities, how to invite them to your event, events and updates.

An overview

As Croydon has an elected mayor with executive powers, the role of Civic Mayor fulfils many of the ceremonial and public duties associated with the Mayor.

The Civic Mayor of Croydon; 

  • used to be known as the Mayor of Croydon
  • is a serving councillor 
  • is elected by fellow council members at the first Council meeting of the municipal year
  • may not act politically in any way
  • has two key roles – a constitutional role and a civic ceremonial role.

Role of the Civic Mayor of Croydon

Constitutional Role

  • chairs council meetings in an impartial non-political way
  • has the deciding vote in the event of a tie at a council meeting
  • upholds and promotes the purposes of the council’s constitution, the interests of the wider council and the public
  • deals with petitions (this is undertaken by officers in the name of the Civic Mayor
  • presides over citizenship ceremonies.

Ceremonial Role

A major part of the role of the Civic Mayor is the Ceremonial Role. They;

  • represent the borough as the First Citizen. This means they are an ambassador for the borough and its residents. 
  • represent the Monarch as First Citizen of the borough, hosting events and welcoming visitors such as other Royals
  • promote the borough, the council’s aims and objectives, and forge links with the private, public, and voluntary sectors
  • aim to promote, raise the profile and gain publicity for projects and events that are of a good charitable or voluntary nature that benefit the citizens of the borough, particularly smaller organisations
  • are committed to serving the people of Croydon with integrity, striving for prosperity for all
  • are the face of the borough in times of sadness e.g. death of a Member of the Royal Family, after a local, national or international tragedy

Contact the Civic Mayor


The Civic Mayor's Office
Room F8, Croydon Town Hall
Katharine Street
Croydon CR0 1NX
United Kingdom