Club premises certificate

Sports and social clubs where alcohol or entertainment are provided require a club premises certificate.

Review of an existing club premises certificate

A review of a current club premises certificate may be made by 'interested parties'. These include local residents or businesses who may be affected by the activities of the premises.

Your application for the review must relate to one of the four following licensing objectives:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm

Apply for a review

If you wish to apply for a review download an application to review a club premises certificate (Doc, 105 KB).

You can also download guidance on applying for a review of a club premises certificate (PDF, 90 KB).

Once completed, send the form to the licensing team.

Licensing team
Telephone: 020 8760 5466

Croydon Council, Licensing Team
6th Floor, Zone A
Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk

Who you must notify

The person or body requesting the review must notify the holder of the club premises certificate. They must also notify each responsible authority, by sending them a copy of the application, together with any accompanying documents, on the same day as the application is given to the licensing authority.

How to find out who the club premises certificate holder is

Details can be obtained from the licensing team.