Apprenticeships and training providers

An apprenticeship combines training in a job with study, usually one day a week. They are open to anyone aged 16 years old and over and both new and existing employees can apply.

If you are an organisation that provides education and training, you could become part of the Croydon Apprenticeship Academy.

The Croydon Apprenticeship Academy for training providers

The Croydon Apprenticeship Academy is a one stop shop for apprenticeships in the London Borough of Croydon.

It connects businesses and training providers with residents who are interested in starting an apprenticeship

Talk to us if you would like to become a member of the Croydon Apprenticeship Academy and join our campaigns. Find out which employers and training providers we work with.

Benefits of partnering with us

Partner with us and you'll gain:

  • access to local employers looking to hire an apprentice
  • free help to recruit candidates through Croydon Works
  • access to a range of promotional activities to promote your business, like social media, videos and banners
  • access to a pool of apprenticeship ambassadors
  • support to run roadshows and events
  • access to London Borough of Croydon levy funds to fully fund the costs of apprenticeship training for subject matter experts
  • peer to peer support with other local training providers 
  • access to academy monthly meetings
  • access to our schools bulletin and other engagement activities

What we ask from you

In return we ask you to:

  • work with employers to develop quality job roles
  • work towards achieving Good Employer status
  • recruit candidates through Croydon Works
  • attend as many joint events, roadshows and careers events as possible
  • notify us when you create and fill a vacancy

Apprenticeships and employers

For more information on recruiting an apprentice as an employer, go to our page apprenticeships and employers.