
Day to day transport arrangements

Please call the Passenger Transport Team, from 7am to 5pm, for queries relating to:

  • day to day transport arrangements
  • last minute cancellations
  • other urgent issues 

Please be aware that there may be difficulty getting through to the team before 10am and after 2pm due to the volume of calls we receive.

Passenger Transport Team 
Phone: 0208 726 6000 Ext. 44185

Transport eligibility enquiries

To send applications or make further enquiries relating to applications for transport assistance please email

For any non urgent enquiries for example advance cancellations please email

Eligibility and travel assistance planning

To discuss travel assistance entitlement or a personalised travel plan (if eligible) please contact:

Koreen Sinclair, Personalised Travel Plan Coordinator
Phone: 0208 726 6000 Ext. 28166
Mobile: 07801 992 665 

Independent travel training

For further questions about what travel training includes, eligibility, or if you need to talk to someone about ongoing training please contact:  

Travel Training Team
Phone: 0208 604 7578

For providers of training related services, suppliers and proposal of changes to training content please contact:

Monica Clarke, Senior Independent Travel Training Co-ordinator
Phone: 0208 726 6000 Ext. 13603
Mobile: 07436 031 950

Management team

To speak to our management team, find out about the appeals process or to discuss the travel provisions structure of Croydon council please contact:

Jackie Wright, Travel Assistance Commissioner and Manager of Alternative Travel Team
Phone: 0208 760 5454