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London Road is a major transport corridor into Croydon town centre from the north of the Borough. Substantial development, improved transport links, and public realm improvements are expected to deliver major change.
Following Traffic Management Advisory Committee on 12 January 2022, the Council is making permanent protected cycle lanes on the High Street, and Mint Walk, Croydon, improving pedestrian facilities pedestrian and making further improvements to the public realm. This project is being funded by the Department for Transport Active Travel Funding which is administered by Transport for London.
The Council’s proposals are to introduce permanent changes to the London Road Corridor between Thornton Heath Pond and North End, including:
Proposed new parking and loading bays are to be added to side roads to assist businesses as follows:
Single yellow lines are to be upgraded to double yellow along full length of the proposed scheme along London Road.
The project proposals do not alter the bus routes in the area.
Croydon Council have secured funding from the Greater London Authority for air quality initiatives along the London Road. .
The London Road Business Low Emissions Neighbourhood (BLEN) is located in the area from Thornton Heath Pond to West Croydon Station. The BLEN aims to improve the environment and improve air quality
A series of projects are proposed which include:
Detail 1 Brigstock Road Junction Improvements and London Road Greening illustrative sketch
Detail 1 Canterbury Road Junction Improvements illustrative sketch
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