Healthy School Street Exemption Permits
All properties within the Healthy School Streets are eligible to apply for a free permit (up to 3 permits per household). Those properties with a rear access for motor vehicles from a road within the exemption zone will be eligible for a permit.
How to apply
Resident exemption permits
You must be on the council tax or electoral register.
All properties within Healthy School Streets are eligible to apply for a permit. Properties with rear access for vehicles from a road within the Healthy School Streets will be eligible for a permit.
Exemptions will last for 3 years, or until we are notified that you are no longer a resident of the address within the Healthy School Streets.
Apply for a resident exemption permit
Exemptions for visitors
A resident can apply for a temporary resident exemption for 1 day, 1 week or 1 month, depending on the length of time required in the following circumstances:
- For a designated carer
- For a visitor with mobility issues
- For unplanned essential visits such as boiler repair, or for a trade vehicle (with heavy tools)
Applications must be made online before or on the day access is required. Late applications can only be made on the day up until 23:59 for the exemption to apply for that day.
Other drivers who wish to access the Healthy School Street must arrive outside the hours of operation.
Apply for a temporary resident exemption permit
Healthcare workers
To access the Healthy School Streets the resident must make a temporary resident application on your behalf for the date of your visit. In the event that a PCN parking charge notice is issued, you can provide evidence of the resident you were visiting which can be verified.
Business and charities
Only those facilities with on premises parking on the school street are eligible to apply. Please email to apply for a permit.
Applications cannot be backdated so it must be made online by 23:59 for exemption to apply for that day.
Business, nursery and school staff exemption permit
Vehicles belonging to staff of nurseries and schools and businesses located in the Healthy School Streets can apply for an exemption permit. Please contact your administrator for details on how to apply.