Improving air quality

Croydon’s Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP), outlines the action we are taking to improve air quality in Croydon

Engine idling 

Engine idling produces air pollution and increases the amount of toxic air that we breathe. This has a significant impact on people’s health.

Tackling engine idling is part of Croydon’s commitment to improve air quality.

What we are doing

Pollution Control Officers are able to approach drivers where they observe engine idling and request that they switch the engine off whilst stationary and parked.

If the driver then refuses to switch off the engine the officers will issue a Fixed Penalty Notice (currently £20 increasing to £40 if not paid within 28 days). It should be noted that there are exemptions in circumstances where the engine is required to power necessary functions of the vehicle such as hydraulic doors or refrigeration units.

If you observe a driver idling their vehicle’s engine, or if you would like to inform us of engine idling occurring frequently in a particular location, you can let us know by email:

What can you do to help tackle engine idling

  • hold an anti-idling workshop at your school
  • register your interest in joining a local ‘idling action’ event, where we talk to drivers at hotspot idling locations
  • take the #EnginesOff pledge to showcase your organisation’s commitment to driving down air pollution from engine idling
  • download the toolkits and communications materials to help share the anti-idling message and educate drivers about the importance of switching engines off, every stop
  • we can also provide free resources and toolkits for businesses and community groups wanting to help tackle this avoidable source of health-damaging air pollution.