Fixed penalty notices for environmental crimes

Fixed penalty notices can be issued for environmental offences, including dropping litter, fly-tipping and breaching public space protection orders. Find out how to pay and appeal a fine.

Fixed penalty notices

If you have received an FPN (fixed penalty notice), visit our making a payment web page to pay online. Advice on alternative payment methods are also available via the payments web page.

To make a representation, visit appealing against a fixed penalty notice.

About fixed penalty notices

The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 enables local authorities to fine anyone committing an environmental crime that damages the street scene. London councils have agreed set levels of fines to cover all of the London area. See details of fines and offences below.

Croydon council's enforcement officers can issue FPNs for the offences of dropping litter, including items such as chewing gum, cigarette butts and fast food and other forms of litter such as wrapping.

Download our Don't Mess with Croydon app to report fly-tipping, littering, skip problems and other issues straight to the relevant team. 

When a fixed penalty notice can be issued

Officers may issue FPNs but this does not mean that they have to or should in every instance. A decision is made for investigation on a case by case basis. There are certain points to prove in each case before an FPN can be considered. An offence has to be proved beyond doubt to the criminal court standard of proof before an FPN can be considered.

Penalty costs

OffenceFPN amountDiscountsMaximum penalty on conviction
Depositing litter £150(Early repayment £100)£2,500

Illegal depositing of waste (fly-tipping), breach of Section 33(1)(a) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990


£400No discount5 years imprisonment / unlimited fine
Failure to produce commercial  waste documentation, breach of Section 34(5) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990£300No discountUnlimited fine
Breach of community protection notice (CPN), ASB Crime and Disorder Act 2014£100No discount

£1,000 for individuals

(or unlimited for company)

Breach of public space protection order (PSPO), ASB Crime and Disorder Act 2014£80No discount£1,000
Failure to produce authority to transport waste, contrary to Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act (Section 5/5b)£300No discountUnlimited fine
Contravention of condition of street trading licence or temporary licence, London Local Authorities Act 2004 Section 34 (1)£100£60 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Making false statement in connection with application for street trading licence or temporary licence, London Local Authorities Act 2004 Section 34 (2)£125£75 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Failure to produce street trading licence on demand, London Local Authorities Act 2004 Section 34 (4)£100£60 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Unlicensed street trading, London Local Authorities Act 2004 Section 38 (1)£150£90 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Painting or otherwise inscribing or affixing picture etc upon the surface of a highway or upon a tree, structure or works on in a highway, Highways Act 1980 Section 1£100£50 if paid within 14 days£2,500
Wilful obstruction of highway, Highways Act 1980 Section 137 (1)£100£50 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Depositing builders skip on highway without permission, Highways Act 1980 Section 139(3)£100£50 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Failure to secure lighting or other marketing of builder's skip, Highways Act 1980 Section 139(4) (a)£100£50 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Failure to secure marketing of builders skip with name and address, Highways Act 1980 Section 139(4)(b)£100£50 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Failure to secure removal of builders skip, Highways Act 1980 Section 139 (4) (c)£100£50 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Failure to comply with conditions of permission, Highways Act 1980 Section 139 (4) (d)£100£50 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Failure to remove or reposition builders skip, Highways Act 1980 Section 140 (3)£100£50 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Depositing anything on highway to the interruption of user, Highways Act 1980 Section  148 (c)£100£50 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Depositing things on highway which cause injury or danger, Highways Act 1980 Section 161 (1)£100£50 if paid within 14 days£1,000
Erecting scaffolding or other structure without licence or failing to comply with terms of licence or perform duty under subsection (4) Highways Act 1980 Section 169 (5)£100£50 if paid within 14 daysUnlimited
Repairing vehicles on road, Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 Section 4£100No discount£2,500

The document below is a spreadsheet listing all the fixed penalty notices (FPNs) that Croydon council has issued since March 2013. These are not to be confused with PCNs.

In addition to the above statistics, between August 2013 and July 2014, Croydon council employed the services of Kingdom Environmental Protection Services to carry out additional targeted enforcement in trouble areas.

Details of all FPNs issued during this period, both by council officers and Kingdom Enforcement officers are listed in the spreadsheet.

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