General election results 2024

Croydon constituency results for the general election on Thursday 4 July 2024.

Croydon West

The result of the Croydon West election has been declared: Sarah Jones has been duly elected. 

Name of CandidateDescription (if any)Number of votes
Ashley, April JacquelineTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition247
Fox, SimonThe Conservative Party Candidate6,386
Hussain, JahirLiberal Democrats3,667
Jones, SarahLabour Party20,612 Elected
Malhotra, VinayakReform UK2,148
Murray-Turner, DonnaTaking the Initiative Party of Britain503
Patel, RiaThe Green Party3,851
Ullah, AhsanWorkers Party of Britain708

Rejected ballot papers

Reason ballot paper was rejectedNumber of ballot papers
Want of an official mark0
Voting for more candidates than entitled to74
Writing or mark by which the voter could be identified5
Unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty93

Election information

Election informationNumber
Number of vacant seats1
Total number of ballot papers38,304
Total number of electors77,891
The percentage turnout49%