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Croydon constituency results for the general election on Thursday 4 July 2024.
The result of the Croydon West election has been declared: Sarah Jones has been duly elected.
Name of Candidate | Description (if any) | Number of votes |
Ashley, April Jacqueline | Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition | 247 |
Fox, Simon | The Conservative Party Candidate | 6,386 |
Hussain, Jahir | Liberal Democrats | 3,667 |
Jones, Sarah | Labour Party | 20,612 Elected |
Malhotra, Vinayak | Reform UK | 2,148 |
Murray-Turner, Donna | Taking the Initiative Party of Britain | 503 |
Patel, Ria | The Green Party | 3,851 |
Ullah, Ahsan | Workers Party of Britain | 708 |
Reason ballot paper was rejected | Number of ballot papers |
Want of an official mark | 0 |
Voting for more candidates than entitled to | 74 |
Writing or mark by which the voter could be identified | 5 |
Unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty | 93 |
Election information | Number |
Number of vacant seats | 1 |
Total number of ballot papers | 38,304 |
Total number of electors | 77,891 |
The percentage turnout | 49% |
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