Brexit and Business

The UK Government has launched its Brexit preparations tool for businesses and organisations.

Use these tools to find out:

  • what your business or organisation may need to do to prepare for Brexit
  • what’s changing in your industry
  • information on specific rules and regulations

You’ll need to answer some simple questions to get guidance relevant to your business or organisation.

The information provides guidance and further reading on a number of topics including:

Cross border operations

  • Import/export from/to the EU, provision of services in the EU, and haulage of goods across EU borders

Employing staff from another European country

  • This includes countries in the EU, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, and Liechtenstein

Exchanging personal data with another organisation in Europe

  • This includes customers’ addresses, staff working hours, or information you give to a delivery company
  • Organisations should consider any personal data from Europe that they processes, use of websites or services hosted in Europe, and provision digital services available to Europe

Intellectual property (IP) protection

  • This covers things such as copyright, trademarks, designs, patents, and exhaustion of rights.

EU or UK government funding

  • This includes the Creative Europe Fund or Horizon 2020 scheme

Croydon is open

As London’s growth borough, Croydon already offers extensive support to local businesses, with an extensive package of measures to attract new investment, boost the local economy and help them thrive. This puts us in a strong positon to help mitigate any negative impact on our local economy as a result of Brexit.

We will build on these strong foundations as we help our local businesses to navigate these uncertain times.

Visit our business support and advice pages for more information on Croydon’s support for local businesses.

If you employ EU citizens, the Government has created an employer's toolkit with advice and information to help you support them and their families to apply to the EU settlement scheme.
