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Find support and advice for funding bids in the voluntary, community and faith sector.
During 2020 to 2021 we were commissioning 205 contracts, including packages of care, from VCFS providers with a total value in excess of £25 million. We remain committed to a positive and supportive relationship with the sector and, with input from our VCFS partners, have shaped the initial support offer set out below.
Colleagues from across the council can provide bid writing training and give examples of well written bids. A dedicated webpage is being developed. For more details contact Simon Bashford: simon.bashford@croydon.gov.uk.
We are also running a series of training sessions on bid writing and procurement skills.
Croydon Observatory is a valuable online source of data to help strengthen a funding bid. We will provide one-to-one support sessions for local VCFS groups that request help to narrow down the information that best supports their bid.
For more information contact Edmund Fallon: edmund.fallon@croydon.gov.uk.
Visit the Croydon Observatory website.
Where local VCFS organisations are applying for external funding, we may be able to provide supporting statements to assist their bids and help draw new funding into Croydon.
For more details contact Simon Bashford: simon.bashford@croydon.gov.uk.
We have approximately 50 buildings that we let to VCFS organisations, and this asset base will be reviewed to ensure we are making best use of our buildings.
Plans to establish community hubs in the borough are progressing and we are undertaking a similar piece of work to complement this with a borough-wide support network.
For further information see Community asset transfers.
For further suggestions relating to premises see Premises to rent.
Voluntary sector review equality analysis form (PDF, 440KB).
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