Explosives licence

Premises storing explosives, for example, fireworks, flares and air bag inflators, are required to be licenced.

Who needs to apply

Premises storing explosives are required to be licensed. This includes:

  • fireworks
  • flares
  • air bag inflators

If you store less than 5kgs of explosives

If you store less than 5kg Net Explosive Mass (NEM) of explosives, then there is no need to be licensed. The NEM is either 25% of the gross weight of the explosives or exact figure stated by the manufacturer or supplier.

When and where fireworks can be sold

A licensed premises can sell fireworks during the 4 seasonal occasions:

  • 15 October to 10 November inclusive
  • 26 December to 31 December inclusive
  • on the 1st day of the Chinese New Year and the 3 days immediately preceding it
  • on the day of Diwali and the 3 days immediately preceding it

Only persons with 'fixed' premises can be licensed, so fireworks cannot be sold at:

  • market stalls
  • car boot sales
  • other temporary sales points