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Scams and doorstep crime can include emails, phone calls and visits to your home.
You should:
You can register with the Telephone Preference Service by phone or online to stop receiving marketing or business calls that are unsolicited.
Registration number
Telephone: 0845 070 0707
Register online on the Telephone Preference Service website.
There are a number of services that can give you advice on how you can protect yourself and others from becoming a victim of scammers.
Citizens Advice Consumer Service offers a telephone and online services where you can report a scam.
Citizens Advice Consumer Service
03454 04 05 06
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Find out how you can report a scam on the Citizen Advice website.
You can report scams and fraud to Action Fraud, which is the UK's national reporting centre for fraud and internet crime.
Friends Against Scams is a National Trading Standards Scams Team initiative which aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering people to take a stand against scams. It provides free online training and offers advice on how to raise awareness in your community.
The little book of big scams is a comprehensive guide on fraud prevention produced by the Metropolitan Police.
A scams advice pack is available on request to Croydon residents.
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