Licence, permit and registration fees

The cost of applying for, renewing or changing a licence, permit or registration certificate.

Highways and street trading licence fees

Street trading licence

  • Street designation order: £365
  • Temporary licence which accompanies a designation application: £104
  • Variation of a street trading licence: £365
  • Street trading licence and renewal (non North End): £2 per square metre

North End only

  • 6 month or annual licence £4 per sq metre
  • Temporary street trading licence: £15 per day (£10 for community or registered charity events)

Surrey Street only

  • Full time yearly licence: £25, in addition pitch fees apply, 3m x 3m, £75.10 per week
  • Casual licence: £10 per day for the first 4 trading days, thereafter £15 per day

Cherry picker licence

  • 1 day: £235 
  • 2 days: 275 
  • 3 days: £316
  • Each additional day: £40.50
  • Refundable bond deposit of £200 also required

Container licence

  • 4 weeks: £356 
  • Refundable bond deposit of £50 per square metre of enclosed highway also required

Crane over sail licence

  • 4 weeks: £356 (an additional £356 per elevation is required if the structure is to be on more than one road)
  • Refundable bond deposit of £10,000 also required

Hoarding licence

  • 4 weeks: £356 (an additional £356 per elevation is required if the structure is to be on more than one road)
  • Refundable bond deposit of £50 per square metre of enclosed highway also required

Material licence

  • Per day: £14 
  • 14 days: £191 
  • Refundable bond deposit of £100 also required

Mobile crane licence

  • 1 day: £235
  • 2 days: £275 
  • 3 days: £316 
  • Each additional day: £40.50
  • Refundable bond deposit of £10,000 also required
  • Mobile scaffold licence

  • 1 day: £235 
  • 2 days: £275 
  • 3 days: £316 
  • Each additional day: £40.50 
  • Refundable bond deposit of £200 also required
  • Scaffolding licence

  • 4 weeks: £356 
  • Refundable bond deposit of £50 per square metre of enclosed highway also required
  • Skip operator's permit

  • £66