Types of animal welfare licences

If you're a business that deals with animals, for example if you breed dogs or hire out horses, you will need to apply for an animal welfare licence.

Complying with conditions

We recommend you familiarise yourself with the requirements as set out in the relevant guidance. You will not be awarded a new licence if you fail to comply with the new conditions.

You will need to comply with all of the license conditions at all times and should risk assess on a regular basis, including in relation to fire risks. We will require an annual copy of your risk assessment.

If you change the way you operate

If you make any changes to your business, please contact the licensing team to confirm if a re-inspection will be required. You may need to vary your licence or apply to add a new activity.

Suspension, variation without consent or revocation of a licence

We may, without any requirement for the licence holder’s consent, decide to suspend, vary or revoke a licence at any time on being satisfied. This can happen if:

  • the licence conditions are not being complied with
  • there has been a breach of the regulations
  • information supplied by the licence holder is false or misleading
  • it is necessary to protect the welfare of an animal

In addition, you should be aware that if you are a “disqualified person” or a person who having held a license has a license previously revoked – any license granted or renewed or held by you is automatically revoked