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You can choose any memorial mason you wish, but we recommend using members of the National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM). They have defined standards and an accreditation scheme which we follow and will apply to all masons working in our cemeteries, to widen protection for our residents.
Memorials can be expensive and it is sensible to obtain at least two quotes. The owner of the grave right is responsible for the safe erection of the memorial, so it is important to have the work done safely by an accredited mason. It is essential that all memorial joints are dowelled (fixed with a metal pin) before cementing. All masons are required in common law to fix a memorial that is safe and secure for a minimum 30 years.
If a wide grave has been excavated to accept a large American-style casket, the grave is more likely to sink over succeeding years. With all graves, you should leave a minimum 6 months before you place a memorial to allow the soil to settle.
Grave owners are responsible for their memorial and damage is not covered by the council. It is rare for memorials to be vandalized, although damage has been caused by stones (perhaps thrown by mowers), bicycles leant against the headstone and items, perhaps garden tools, dropped on the stone. If this concerns you and especially if you have purchased an expensive memorial, you should consider an all risks insurance cover for memorials called Stoneguard through any memorial mason.
As the landowner Croydon council has a memorial safety programme, which provides a dedicated team to measure the stability and safety of all types of memorials in line with industry approved standards. If a memorial proves to be unstable we will temporarily secure it, sinking or laying the memorial flat. The we will contact the grave owners to advise them of what actions they must take. For more information on this programme, please contact us.
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