Deaf services
The deaf service has a team of specialist workers who are fluent in British Sign Language.
- anyone who is profoundly deaf living in the borough
We carry out social care assessments and provide services to profoundly deaf residents in Croydon, promoting independence and wellbeing. There are different degrees of hearing loss, so the type and amount of help needed varies. An assessment will find out what support and help you need. Support from a Royal Association Deaf caseworker is available by appointment. See the video below for information on services and availability.
Services available
Following an assessment there may be a number of services available, such as:
- specialist assessment of needs, to give you an opportunity to talk about your needs and to make sure we provide the right level of support
- specialist information and assistive equipment to help you manage in your home
- advice and information about local organisations/agencies and activities
- support from a social worker for the deaf to assist with practical and social challenges
- referrals to other appropriate services
- assessment for care and support, such as provision of direct payments or personal budgets