Croydon schools finance

View our scheme for financing schools (Section 48), budget reports and outturn reports (Section 251).

Scheme for financing schools (Section 48)

By law we have to publish a scheme for financing schools. This is about the finances we use, for the schools we maintain. It does not apply to academies. 

In January 2019 the latest scheme came into effect. After consultation with all schools, and agreement with the schools forum. The "Scheme for financing schools - April 2022" is in the downloads section at the bottom of this page. 

Budget reports (Section 251)

Each year we also have to prepare budget reports by 31 March. About the money we receive, and use, to provide education in Croydon. The budget reports for 2019-20 are in the downloads section at the bottom of this page.

The Department for Education did not require a Section 251 budget statement for 2020 to 2021 due to the pandemic.

Outturn reports (Section 251)

After 31 March, we have to prepare outturn reports each year. Outturn reports measure the performance of schools. The outturn reports for 2018-19 and 2019-20 are in the downloads section at the bottom of this page.

All the report formats we use are directed by the Secretary of State.

Funding and how we use it 

Most of funding our comes from the Dedicated Schools Grant. 

This money is used in: 

  • nursery schools
  • primary schools
  • secondary schools
  • special schools

It also helps individual children who are in: 

  • early years (private, voluntary and independent)
  • enhanced learning
  • out of borough placements for children with special educational needs and disabilities

Other funding is used for school services and activities we have to provide by law.

How to contact us

If you need to get in contact with the schools' finance team please email us at:


Croydon schemes for financing schools - April 2022 (DOC, 197.8KB)

Early years report of 2019-20 (Section 251) - Budget report (XLS, 9.1KB)

Local Authority table report of 2019-20 (Section 251) - Budget report (XLS, 13.7KB)

School's table report of 2019-20 (Section 251) - Budget report (XLS, 6.6KB)

Early years report of 2018-19 (Section 251) - Budget report (XLS, 9.1KB)

Table A of 2019-20 (Section 251) - Outturn report (XLSX, 66 KB)

Table A1 of 2019-20 (Section 251) - Outturn report (XLSX, 48 KB)

Table A of 2018-19 (Section 251) - Outturn report (XLS, 17.0KB)

Table A1 of 2018-19 (Section 251) - Outturn report (XLS, 13.8KB)

Annex H - Croydon Financing Plan template 2022-23 (XLS, 403.3KB)