Regina Road ballot result

Regina Road residents living within the consultation area voted on the future of their home on the estate. The ballot asked the question: 

"Are you in favour of the proposal to demolish and rebuild homes as shown within the red line boundary on the Regina Road Estate?"

  • The ballot closed at 5pm on Monday 22 May. 
  • A total of 134 residents (81.7%) of eligible residents voted by post, phone or online.
  • The ballot was run by Civica Election Services (CES) who are an independent body.

Our sincere thanks go to residents for engaging in the consultation and ballot. We will continue to work closely in partnership with them to ensure better homes on Regina Road.  

Outcome of the ballot

  • 88.1% of eligible residents voted in favour of the proposal to demolish and rebuild homes as shown within the shaded boundary on the Regina Road estate.
  • 11.9% of eligible residents voted against the proposal to demolish and rebuild homes as shown within the shaded boundary on the Regina Road estate.

The outcome will be reported back to the Mayor and Cabinet at a meeting in July. 

What happens next

We are now working closely with the Resident Working Group and those living on the estate and in neighbouring homes to put together a design for the future estate to be put forward for planning approvals. In addition, we are working with the Greater London Authority to seek funding towards the homes built on the estate.