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Help for developers and planning consultants to identify when an air quality assessment is required.
Developments that are likely to cause a deterioration in local air quality will normally require an air quality impact assessment. This is especially true if this deterioration occurs in an area which already breaches an air quality objective or results in increased levels of particles. Developments located an areas of poor air quality also require an assessment.
The aim of an air quality assessment is to determine whether the development will have an unacceptable impact on air quality.
If a development is determined to result in a deterioration of air quality, we will aim to reduce this impact by securing measures that will allow the development to progress.
If a development introduces sensitive receptors into an area of poor air quality, we will expect the developer to ensure all measures are taken to secure an acceptable environment for new receptors.
Where an air quality assessment is required as part of a planning application, we have produced an Interim Policy Guidance (IPG) document.
This states the standards and requirements for improving local air quality. The guidance sets out situations when an assessment may be required and suggests methods of undertaking such an assessment within the Croydon area.
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