Purley Way

Development information for Purley Way transformation area.

Purley Way baseline appraisal and research

This study was undertaken to provide a detailed evidence base to inform both the development of the masterplan supplementary planning document (SPD) and chapter for Purley Way. The studies resulting from desktop research, consultation, and specific on-the-ground research cover a range of topics including:

  • appraisal of existing urban design conditions
  • socio economic analysis
  • commercial analysis
  • appraisal of transport need

The resulting document was delivered by a design-led multidisciplinary team to cover the research strands set out above.

Purley Way business audit

This study provides detailed and up-to-date quantitative and qualitative information on the local economy, its business base and physical make-up. The information seeks to provide a careful and nuanced understanding of the Purley Way area’s local economy by recording all job-generating uses across the area’s diverse geographies.

The evidence and analysis from this work will complement and inform the masterplan and provides evidence to determine the direction of future policies for the area in the local plan. This study should be understood as a snapshot in time, capturing uses and premises in operation in April 2020.

Purley Way delivery strategy (appendix 13)

This report sets out the strategy for the delivery of the Purley Way masterplan. To achieve this, the report identifies the scale of the ambition for the area in terms of the amount of development and supporting infrastructure proposed to be delivered over the masterplan period.

A number of private and public sector funding opportunities to pay for the achievement of the ambition are then identified, before viability and phasing at a more detailed level are set out. This includes opportunities for precursor projects and for longer term place management. Finally the roles and responsibilities for different stakeholder groups in delivering the masterplan are set out.

Purley Way overarching strategies (appendices 2 to 10)

This series of studies establishes a set of high level overarching spatial and socio-economic strategies to inform both the detailed proposals in the masterplan SPD and the policies within the local plan chapter for Purley Way.

Find out more about the draft Purley Way masterplan SPD which went out to consultation January 2020.