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We're launching new heritage walks through the council’s Old Town and Minster neighbourhoods. At this point we are testing the proposed walks through temporary floor stickers to mark the routes and provide information about Croydon's unique heritage locations. In addition to stickers, we are providing both physical and a digital maps to help identify the routes. The stickers will be replaced with permanent markers, but in the meantime we are seeking feedback ahead of making a decision for a more permanent installations of the walks at a later date. Once you have done a walk please give us your feedback on the questionnaire below.
In the 19th century, Croydon became a thriving market town. The town centre expanded after the opening of new railway stations, and boasted impressive shops, offices and pubs. The Victorian era was a time of rapid urban expansion and change with advances in public health, education and technology. The town received a charter of incorporation, a coat of arms, and a motto: Sanitate Crescimus (“May we grow in health”).
This walk explores the impressive historic high streets civic buildings, infrastructure projects and public facilities from this era.
Distance: 1 mile
Time: 45 minutes
Download Market Town walk map (print at home) (PDF, 3.9MB)
Croydon began in the Saxon period as a small settlement near the source of the River Wandle. Throughout its history, the town had strong links with the Archbishops of Canterbury who had an estate here from the 9th century (which is when Croydon Minster was first established).
This walk explores some of the oldest surviving buildings in the old town, the grounds of Croydon Minster and the memorial garden. These provide an extraordinary connection with Croydon’s early history, the Archbishops, and the people who once lived here.
Distance: 0.6 miles
Time: 45 minutes
The walk includes one moderate hill
Download Old Town walk map (print at home) (PDF, 3.3MB)
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