Public rights of way register

Download the public rights of way register and related documents.

The register of definitive map modification order applications is a list of all outstanding claims for alterations to the council's legal record of public rights of way. Claims can be made by members of the public, or by interest groups, such as the Ramblers Association.

A claim will involve the addition of a new right of way or a change to the public rights over an existing route. The register will be updated to allow the processing of individual applications to be monitored as they pass through the relevant legal stages. Once an application is concluded it will be removed from the register.


231206 signed Highways Act Schedule 1 (PDF, 523KB)

2004191CLA site plan (PDF, 1.6MB)

C16 Statutory declaration for Hawkhirst Road

Public right of way register (PDF, 105.5KB)

CA16 - full version (PDF, 1.9MB)

CA16 signed (PDF, 300.2KB)

DMMO application for Hawkhirst Road (PDF, 254.8KB)

Form CA17 public notice 1 (PDF, 13.6KB)

2004191CLA Landowner Deposit Statement (PDF, 451.5KB)

2004191CLA Site Plan (PDF, 1.5MB)

Delegated Decision Report Hawkhirst Road 20 July 2021 (PDF,289KB

Record of Delegated Decision - Hawkhirst Road (PDF, 125KB)

Appendix 2 Hawkhirst Road report (PDF 620KB)

Appendix 3 Hawkhirst Road Supplementary report (PDF. 2MB)

Appendix 4 Hawkhirst Road Supplementary repoer number 2 (PDF, 5MB)

Appendix 5 Hawkhirst Road Consultation report (PDF, 9MB)

Appendix 6 Hawkhirst Road map showing adopted highway ( PDF, 136KB)

Appendix 7 Hawkhirst Road Equality Analysis  (PDF, 323KB)

Plan showing restricted byway to be added - Hawkhirst Road (PDF, 728KB)

Hawkhirst Road - Definite Map Modification Order Notice (PDF, 195KB)

Highway improvements


United Kingdom