Libraries, leisure and culture

Libraries, parks and open spaces, sports and physical activities, fishing, arts, entertainment and culture.


Find and join a library, borrow and reserve books, online library including eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, and newspapers, download the library app, volunteering, news and events, the library plan.

Parks and open spaces

Parks, playgrounds and outdoor gyms and allotments in Croydon . Please respect your parks and other park users and please take your litter home. Fires and BBQs are not permitted.

Sports and physical activity

A-Z of sports and activities, leisure centres, youth sports, inclusive sports, fishing, privacy notices, Croydon's sport and physical activity facilities strategy.

Arts, entertainment and culture

Museums and archives, buskers and street entertainment, Fairfield Halls, Croydon Clocktower, Clocktower Cafe, David Lean Cinema, culture network newsletter.

Children and young people

Activities and resources for children and young people, including the Croydon disability register and access card.