Draft Kenley Community Plan: April 2020 to March 2025 

In response to concerns raised by the local community about the impact of the increase in housing in Kenley, the Council secured funding from the Greater London Authority’s (GLA) Good Growth Fund (GGF) to appoint consultants to engage with the community to create a Community Plan for the area.

The draft Plan outlines priorities for investment in facilities, services and infrastructure identified by the community over the period from spring to autumn 2019. During this time, the consultants engaged with over 700 Kenley residents, businesses and visitors to gather their views, at events focus groups, meetings with stakeholders and resident associations, and through business and online and street surveys.

The draft Plan was published between 21 February and 22 March 2020 for feedback. This feedback will be used to revise the draft Plan which is anticipated to be published in early summer 2022

To oversee the delivery of this five year plan, the Kenley Community Steering Group (KCSG) is being established to guide the prioritisation of projects, and will be working in partnership with Croydon Council to ensure that they are achievable and can be funded. Drawn from residents’ associations, community organisations, faith groups and Friends groups, the KCSG will convene in Summer 2020 and will be representative of the Kenley community.

Croydon Council has successfully applied for further funding from the GGF for the Connecting Kenley programme which will provide improvements to public and community spaces, sustainable transport and support to local businesses, to bring together different parts of the community and enable good growth in Kenley. More information can be found in this press release.

Get in touch here: kenleycommunity@croydon.gov.uk