Croydon energy loans

Interest free loans of up to £6,000 for applicants either over the age of 60 or have a disability, or in receipt of an income related benefit whose property is in need of energy efficiency measures (for example, new heating system).

What it is for

The purpose of the Croydon energy loan is to provide assistance with improving the energy efficiency of dwellings and to assist vulnerable clients who may be in fuel poverty. Examples of work covered under this scheme include:

  • an energy efficient replacement boiler (where a boiler is more than 15 years old, not working or condemned)
  • provision of thermostatic radiator valves
  • upgrading central heating controls where the system does not have a programmer or timer, a room thermostat or separate hot water system control
  • provision of a new gas central heating and hot water system including an energy efficient boiler and radiators where no central heating system or storage heaters currently exists (this will depend on the size and occupancy of the property)
  • loft insulation up to the current standard as required by building regulations (where none or less than 100mm exists)

All works will be assessed by a surveyor to check that they would fall under the criteria of loan works.

Who can apply

To be able to apply for this assistance you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • be over 18 years of age 
  • be an owner-occupier or live in the dwelling under a right of exclusive occupation for a period of more than 5 years, or for life.
  • have a duty or a power to carry out the works
  • live in the dwelling as your only or main residence

For the purposes of this loan, a person is disabled if any of the following applies to them:

  • in receipt of Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance, or Personal Independence Payments 
  • registered disabled in pursuance of arrangements under section 29(1) of the National Assistance Act 1948 (handicapped person’s welfare)
  • is a person for whose welfare arrangements have been made under that provision, or in the opinion of the welfare authority, might be made under it

Applications for a Croydon energy loan will not be accepted where there are resident working joint owners, meaning where, in addition to the applicant, other person(s) under the age of 60 live in and have an interest in the property and are working or earning.

The means test

To qualify for assistance an applicant must be in receipt of one of the following income-related benefits:

  • income support
  • working tax credit and income of less than £15,050 per annum
  • child tax credit and income of less than £15,050 per annum
  • housing benefit
  • income related ESA or income related JSA
  • guaranteed pension credit
  • universal credit

Or for persons 60 years of age or over not in receipt of one of the above:

  • have less than £5,000 in savings

How to apply

The home repair loans are administered by the Croydon Home Improvement Agency. You can contact the agency on line:

Apply now 



Telephone: 0208 760 5505

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