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How the Health and Wellbeing Board operates.
Established after the Health and Social Care Act 2012, the Croydon Health and Wellbeing Board is a partnership between Croydon Council, local NHS, Healthwatch Croydon and our Voluntary and Community Sector.
The Board’s mission is to improve health and wellbeing in Croydon and work together with our residents to enable everyone in Croydon to have an equal chance of achieving good health and wellbeing.
Health and wellbeing boards develop a joint local health and wellbeing strategy as part of their statutory duties. This strategy aims to jointly identify and agree on the most important health and wellbeing issues for the local community based on local data and views.
The Croydon Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out a collective vision and priorities that the partners represented on the Health and Wellbeing Board will work towards to promote a healthier Croydon. It is informed by Croydon’s local needs, as identified in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, and the views of our partners and local communities. The strategy provides a framework for decision making and action by the Council and NHS bodies as well as their private and voluntary and community sector partners.
Working in partnership with One Croydon Health and Care Board, our voluntary and community sector and local communities, Croydon Health and Wellbeing Board has recently refreshed its Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2024-2029. This strategy will be delivered through coordinated, partnership efforts of organisations represented on the Croydon Health and Wellbeing Board as well as others. It will inform future refreshes of Croydon Health and Care Plan (developed by One Croydon Health and Care Board) as well as South West London Joint Forward Plan and South West London Integrated Care Partnership Strategy.
As part of its statutory duties, the partners representing the Health and Wellbeing Board work together to produce the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).
The JSNA brings together data, intelligence and insights across the council, local NHS, our voluntary and community sector as well as others local, regional and national partners to assess Croydon’s health and wellbeing needs. It then uses these findings to make recommendations on how to improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities across all ages in Croydon.
Since 2017, Croydon’s JSNA is published online at the Croydon Observatory. The digital JSNA is structured under five themes:
1.) Population overview: This section focusses on Croydon’s overall population and their general health and wellbeing.
2.) Population groups: This section provides data and intelligence on specific populations, covering specific localities, various demographic groups and vulnerable population groups.
3.) Wider determinants: This section focusses on factors that shape health and wellbeing including education, environment, housing and employment.
4.) Healthy behaviours: This section focusses on individual actions impacting health and wellbeing, ranging from physical activity, sexual health, oral health, smoking, and alcohol and substance use.
5.) Health conditions: This section focusses on specific diagnosed conditions, including mental health, self-harm and suicide prevention and the Pharmaceutical needs Assessment.
For more information, please visit Croydon’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
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