Say No To Hate Pledge
Safer Croydon Partnership Pledge
Join Croydon, stand against hate crime and sign our pledge
Our goal is to strengthen our community and work with you to make Croydon a safe and welcoming borough.
The Mayor of London’s definition for a hate crime is defined as;
"any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a personal characteristic, specifically race, religion/ faith, sexual orientation, disability and gender identity”
The “Say No to Hate” Safer Croydon Partnership pledge has been created so individuals and organisations can reinforce the borough’s commitment to reduce and tackle hate crime in our borough by taking a zero tolerance approach to hate in Croydon.
What does this mean? Hate crime can take many forms, in Croydon we recognise the following characteristics:
- race
- religion or faith
- gender identity
- sexual orientation
- physical or mental disability
This may include an offence motivated by the perception that a victim has one of personal characteristics stated above, even if this is not the case. The Safer Croydon Partnership will treat and respond to all hate crimes equally by working closely with our community safety partners and passing on specific details to the police.
We need your help
This pledge is for everyone, whether you are part of an organisation (including businesses, community groups, voluntary sector, private sector or statutory) or an individual that lives, works or visits our borough.
We ask you to join us to sign the “Say No to Hate” Safer Croydon Partnership pledge.
Together we can stand against hate
Organisational pledge
In Croydon we believe that all agencies statutory, voluntary, community and private sector have a role to play in tackling hate crime.
By making this pledge as an organisation, we promise to:
- send details to Safer Croydon Partnership Team ( if we have any concerns about any subjects/speakers demonstrating hate speech
- learn about what counts as a hate crime and to share this information with others, including through leaflets, posters, and social media posts generated by Croydon Council and its partners
- display visual materials in our public areas disapproving all forms of hate in our borough
- support activities in the community that promote Croydon Council’s hate crime campaign
- report to the police or an appropriate third party organisation, any hate crime we witness, suffer, or become aware of, passing on specific details wherever possible
- encourage any victims who have disclosed a hate crime to report it to police or a third party organisation
- provide information for victims and witnesses of hate crime to enable them to access support
- listen and take seriously all reports made to us about hate crime
- promote good relations by promoting equality and diversity both within and outside the workplace
- ensure that our policy and procedures are effect in considering hate crime or incidents that may occur in the workplace either between employees, or against staff members or the public
- ensure that any organisation or individual booking events within our premises are aware of the equality and diversity terms and conditions and that if they are found to breach those conditions cancel the event
- train our staff on hate crime awareness so that all employees recognise and can report hate crime
- think of ways that my organisation and my community can promote respect for all people
Join the pledge today, make your public declaration against hate and stand united with Croydon against this crime, Sign here
Your individual pledge
By making this pledge, I promise;
- to stand against hatred or hostility directed at anyone because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability or because they are transgender
- if safe to do so, speak out against all forms of prejudice and discrimination
- support any victim of hate crime by helping them to make a report to the police, or a third party organisation in the best way to help the authorities take appropriate action
- report to the police or a third party organisation, any hate crime I witness, suffer, or become aware of, passing on specific details wherever possible
- think of ways that I can promote respect for all people
- listen and take serious any reports made to me about hate crime
Join the pledge today, make your public declaration against hate and stand united with Croydon against this crime, Sign here
Read more on how to report hate crime.
Download Say No to Hate Pledge Privacy Notice (PDF, 115.3KB)