George Floyd Race Matters Pledge
Adopt the pledge today, make your public declaration against inequality and stand united with Croydon
- We are working to become an anti-racist organisation by embedding this in our strategies, actions and behaviours and by making a difference to the lived experience of our communities
- Committing to zero tolerance of racism from employees, residents, customers and service users by challenging racist behaviour or stereotypes expressed by individuals
- Developing our knowledge of anti-racist practice by listening and responding to experiences of staff and the wider community
- Developing an understanding of the role that power, privilege, identity and disadvantage that impacts on the lived experience of all staff in particular those from African/African Caribbean, other African heritage communities
- Undertaking whole workforce training on unconscious bias and encouraging staff to safely challenge such bias during day to day conversations
- Developing cultural awareness by learning more about African/African Caribbean and African other history and cultural practices to develop understanding of staff and customers through podcasts, videos, documentaries and by attending events
- Promoting good relationships between groups which share cultural similarities and those that don’t by encouraging communities to celebrate together as one
- Identifying and addressing any ethnicity pay gaps
- Ensuring that recruitment processes from application, shortlisting, interview and appointment conducted in a manner that facilitates positive action in recruitment such as media campaigns, advertising imagery and interview panels that represent the diversity of the borough’s population where possible
- Developing plans to address challenges where race may not be the only factor and the needs of people may also be in relation to: disability, age, sexual orientation, sex or other protected characteristics.