Transfer a gambling premises licence

If you are taking over ownership of a licensed premises, you'll need to apply to transfer the current licence. You will also need to notify other authorities.

Information to include

Your application should include:

  • the existing premises licence
  • written consent to the transfer from the existing licence-holder
  • the appropriate application fee

Complete the application form

Download application to transfer a premises licence under the Gambling Act 2005 (Word, 14KB)

Submit your application and pay the fee

You'll need to send your application and a cheque for £654 to the licensing team. Cheques should be made payable to Croydon Council.

Licensing team

Telephone: 020 8760 5466



Croydon Council, Licensing Team
6th Floor, Zone A
Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA

Give notice to other authorities

There are two types of notices forms depending on whether you're an individual or you're applying as a company or with others.

If you're an individual applicant

Download the notice of application to transfer a premises licence – Form A (Word, 62.0KB)

If you're a company or applying with others

Download the notice of application to transfer a premises licence – Form B (Word, 76.5KB)

Where to send your notice

You'll need to send a copy of your application form within 7 days of applying to each authority listed in the 'list of responsible authorities'.

Licensing team


Croydon Council
3rd Floor, Zone B
8 Mint Walk, Bernard Weatherill House
Croydon CR0 1EA
United Kingdom