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Croydon's adult social care and health department asked the Local Government Association (LGA) to host a peer challenge. This is part of our ongoing improvement work, and preparation for an assessment by the Care Quality Commission.
A peer challenge is managed by a team of staff from other councils. They review the work we do to support improvements to our service. The aim of a peer challenge is to be a critical friend to encourage improvements to the services we offer.
Our public health team had their peer review from 12 to 14 March 2024. The review explored how the role and function of public health might be maximised in line with the Mayor's business plan.
The Mayor's business plan sets out a vision for a future Croydon that focuses on:
Prevention and public health approaches are also core to the programme of transformation. To tackle inequalities and reduce the burden of ill health.
The feedback report shares the findings from the public health peer review, including a summary of further actions.
It highlighted several strengths and areas for potential development. These range from opportunities for systemwide change to more operational improvements.
Read the public health peer review feedback report (PDF,426 KB).
The peer review team were also with our adult social care and health department from 21 to 23 November 2023. We asked the peer challenge team to focus on 3 main areas:
The results of the challenge:
We are grateful for the report received which highlighted our strengths and areas for improvement.
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