Warm Spaces directory

We have made every attempt to make sure this list of Warm Spaces is up to date but please do check with each venue to make sure they are open.

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1 - 10 of 24 results matching

Bradmore Green Library

Tuesday and Friday 10am to 6pm

Closed 24 December 2023 until 2 January 2024

Bradmore Way, Coulsdon, CR5 1PE.

020 7884 5210

Broad Green Library

Monday and Thursday 10am to ppm

Closed 24 December 2023 until 2 January 2024

Canterbury Road, London, CR0 3HH.

020 7884 5210

Central Library

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10am to 6pm

Saturday 9am to 5pm

Closed 24 December 2023 until 2 January 2024

Katharine Street, London, CR0 1NX.

020 7884 5140

Coulsdon Library

Monday and Thursday 10am to 6pm
Saturday, 9am to 5pm

Closed 24 December 2023 until 2 January 2024

Brighton Road, Coulsdon, CR5 2NH.

020 7884 5180

New Addington Baptist Church

Tuesday 10am to 3pm

Wednesday 10am to 12 midday

Excluding school holiday weeks, Christmas, Half term and Easter

New Addington Baptist Church, Arnhem Drive, Croydon, CR0 0EE.

01689 800291

New Addington Library

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

10am to 6pm

Closed 23 December 2023 to 2 January 2024

61 Central Parade, Croydon, CR0 0JD.

020 7884 5205