Warm Spaces directory

We have made every attempt to make sure this list of Warm Spaces is up to date but please do check with each venue to make sure they are open.

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11 - 19 of 19 results matching

Norbury Library

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am to 6pm

Beatrice Avenue, London, SW16 4UW.

020 7884 5215

Purley Library

Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 6pm

Closed 24 December to 2 January.

Banstead Road, Croydon, CR8 3YH.

020 7884 5160

South Norwood Library

Tuesday and Friday 10 to 6pm

Closed 24 December2023 to 2 January 2024

Lawrence Road, London, SE25 5AA.

020 7884 5195