North End Quarter

Find out about the Croydon's North End Quarter transformation area.

The North End Quarter includes the land bounded by Wellesley Road, George Street, Frith Street, Tamworth Road and Poplar Walk, and it includes North End running along its central spine and the largest retail centre in the borough.

It sits within the Croydon opportunity area and is surrounded by five town centre masterplan areas including the adjacent Old Town masterplan, West Croydon masterplan, Mid Croydon masterplan, Fairfield masterplan and East Croydon masterplan. Part of it also sits within the Central Croydon conservation Area and has an array of listed and locally listed buildings.

The changes are proposed through a new chapter with policies in the local plan and will provide a framework for the transformation of the area as a destination to suit the modern needs of residents, workers and visitors by providing a vibrant and successful centre.

Evidence which informed the transformation area is in the Croydon future destination of retail report (PDF, 4.9MB).