The purpose of the Croydon Public Realm Design Guide (PRDG), is to secure high quality, consistent, simple to maintain public realm and support public realm the borough can be proud of.
Croydon Council expects the design approach applied to any public realm proposals to be of a high quality. The palette of materials and street furniture set in the PRDG is simple, fit for purpose and timeless, but also offers a sufficient range to allow designs to respond to the character of an area and not undermine high quality designs.
The PRDG sets out a consistent approach and a palette of materials and street furniture for the entire Borough. In addition, three sub-area types within the Borough have also been identified in order to respond to specific circumstances: Croydon Opportunity Area, District and Local Centres and Conservation Areas.
The PRDG is underpinned by a set of core principles to ensure Croydon public realm will be accessible, attractive, sustainable, safe, well designed, maintained to high standards and place specific.
The PRDG should be used by all those who are involved in either shaping, delivering or looking after Croydon’s public realm including: Croydon Council Services involved in design, delivery and maintenance of public realm projects; Transport for London; the Council’s Term Highway contractor; developers and other key stakeholders.
The Croydon Public Realm Design Guide 2019, was adopted as non-statutory guidance on 21 January 2019 following internal consultation throughout the Council and broader consultation with developers and architects, Transport for London and the GLA. The adopted guidance is available to download in the Croydon Public Realm Design Guide.
Croydon Public Realm Design Guide (PDF, 8.3MB)