Parks opening and closing times and maintenance schedules

Closing times vary depending on the time of year.

Parks and open spaces are open all-year-round. Park gates and park car parks are not locked at night.

Park toilets

All park toilets are opened at 8am and closed at 4pm. Parks with council operated toilets include:

  • Ashburton Park
  • Haling Grove
  • Norwood Grove
  • Park Hill Recreation Ground
  • South Norwood Country Park
  • South Norwood Lake and Grounds
  • Waddon Ponds


The following parks have cafes. These are the responsibility of the Café owners and opening times are at their discretion:

  • Coombe Wood (Café)
  • Coulsdon Memorial Ground (Café)
  • Lloyd Park (Café)
  • Sanderstead Park (Café)
  • Wandle Park (Café)

Management of litter within parks

The bins and dog bins are managed so that they should never be full or overflowing.


Related docs for Parks opening and closing times and maintenance schedules

Parks and open spaces