Postal address queries

If you are experiencing address related problems we may be able to assist you.

We may be able to help you if you are experiencing problems with your address not being recognised by:

  • Royal Mail
  • utility companies
  • websites

Please use our postal address query form to inform us of the problems you're experiencing with your address being recognised. If the matter concerns an error within our database the problem can often be rectified immediately. 

Some of these problems may arise because the Royal Mail does not hold a correct address. Please note that the Royal Mail will only amend its database if we recommend it. So please use our postal address query form in the first instance. If the problem lies with the Royal Mail's information this can take at least a week for them to effect the appropriate change.

New postcodes and addresses

The Royal Mail is solely responsible for the allocation of postcodes.

We inform Royal Mail of all new addresses in Croydon. The addresses are added to their "not yet built" file. The Royal Mail will only make the address "live" when the property becomes occupied and is capable of receiving mail. This is to avoid post being delivered to a building site.

The local delivery officer will inform the Royal Mail address development team as soon as a property is occupied so it can be made live and it will then show on the Royal Mail Website. If you believe that this hasn't occurred, you should contact Royal Mail directly to check. Please telephone: 08456 011 110 and press option 3 and then option 1 to speak to an advisor.

Many companies use the Royal Mail "live file" for address information. In this instance any addresses held on the "not yet built file" will not be recognised. This is why certain companies may not hold your address details on their systems.

If you are experiencing problems with your mail being delivered incorrectly, in the first instance please contact your local Royal Mail delivery office. If the problem persists we may be able to help.

Address management


Address management, 5th Floor, Zone A, Bernard Weatherill House, 8 Mint Walk
Croydon, CR0 1EA
United Kingdom