Trees and hedges - what we can and will do

Report a dead, dangerous or vandalised tree, our planting scheme and pruning cycle and what to do about trees and hedges blocking public footpaths and highways.

We maintain trees in parks, woodlands, cemeteries and open spaces. The tree and grounds contractors carry out all pruning works. Our main focus is on the clearing and re-cutting of highway trees across the borough.  We operate a 3 to 5 year pruning cycle.

Report tree issues via the love clean streets app or website.


How does the pruning cycle work?

Street trees are maintained on a ward by ward basis as directed by qualified officers.

North Wards - Trees in the North are a priority and pruned on a 3 year cycle. This is due to their greater indirect influence upon nearby structures.

South Wards - Pruning in the South of the borough happens on a 5 year cycle.

Unforeseen events can affect and postpone the inspection and pruning cycle.

What about dead, defective or dangerous trees?

You can report trees which appear to be dead, look dangerous or have fallen. Please provide as much relevant information as possible to describe the danger and we will decide whether to act based on the information provided. If necessary we will arrange to visit the address/location of the tree.

Report a dead, dangerous or fallen tree via the Love clean streets app or website.

What does the council do about tree growth obstructing/damaging public footway/highways?

Council trees are pruned under the cycle of pruning. If there is a problem outside the cycle i.e. low growth (below head height), we would consider extra pruning. Report via the Love clean streets app or website. You can also report damaged/uneven footways and private vegetation obstructing the public footway/highway.

How do I report a vandalised tree?

If you witness vandalism or damage being caused to a tree, please report it immediately to the police.  We may follow this up with a prosecution if we have enough evidence. You can also report damage to trees via our online reporting form.

My neighbour's hedges blocks my light, can you help?

We are unable to get involved with disputes between neighbours trees and hedges. In the case of evergreen hedges that cause light loss to another person’s property we may be able to help. There is a cost to the complainant for the council to become involved. Read the High hedges: complaining to the council and Over the garden hedge web pages for further advice.

Does the council have a tree planting scheme?

Where space allows we will plant trees that exceed heights of 20m. When deciding which tree species to plant, we consider the:

  • location 
  • existing tree species
  • nearby structures, and;
  • planting priority.

We would like to work with the local community to develop plans for street tree planting. We also hope to introduce a Tree Planting sponsorship scheme for the borough. Further information on the scheme will follow be available soon.

How often are Parks trees inspected?

Parks trees need fewer inspections due to their location away from high trafficked areas. We inspect these trees every 5 years. If you suspect a Parks tree to be unsafe or damaged then please report it via our online form.