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You can appeal against certain decisions, such as your liability, your Council Tax band, or your eligibility for an exemption or discount.
Valuation bands are based on property values on 1 April 1991, not what a property is worth today.
You can challenge a Council Tax band by:
If you live in a Band A property your band cannot be reduced any further.
Contact details for the VOA are on GOV.UK.
They will tell you how your Council Tax band has been worked out. They can review your band if you provide information that suggests it is wrong, such as by providing evidence that similar properties in your street are in a different band.
If they agree your band is wrong, they'll put it right. This service is free. If you are successful we will be informed by the Valuation Office and your Council Tax account will then be updated and a revised bill issued.
You must continue to make payments in line with your most recent bill until your account has been amended.
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) could remove the council tax band altogether if your property is derelict and unfit for occupation, or it is being reconstructed into a different type of property. This means that no Council Tax would be paid until your property is made habitable. You will need to contact the VOA directly to make a claim.
If you are successful we will be informed by the Valuation Office and your council account will then be updated and a revised bill issued.
The VOA cannot remove the property from banding just because it is in poor repair, it is being repaired, or it is empty and awaiting repair.
You can find out more about properties in disrepair on GOV.UK.
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