Research governance framework (for research relating to children and/or young people)
As with most organisations, the council's department for children, families and learners (CFL) conducts or commissions research to add value to the work of the department and to also provide an evidence base for key policy and practice decisions. CFL work with vulnerable children and young people on a daily basis and has a duty of care towards its users.
The research governance framework (RGF) ensures that any research conducted by or on behalf of the department is gathered and collated in a fair, planned and rigorous manner and is also conducted to a high standard of ethical practice.
The following documents can be downloaded below:
- Research Governance Framework for research relating to children and/or young people - background information and guidance
- Research Governance - principles of good research (children/young people)
- Research Governance Framework - application form for research relating to children/young people.