Croydon has a main overview committee and four sub-committees that carry out Scrutiny work. Click on the relevant link to read more about the meetings membership, minutes and agendas.
Scrutiny and Overview Committee - council strategy and policy, financial performance, community safety and crime reduction
Scrutiny Children and Young People Sub Committee - education and other LEA matters, children’s social services
Scrutiny Health and Social Care Sub Committee - health, adult social care and mental health
Scrutiny Streets Environment and Homes Sub Committee - highways and streets, environment, conservation, climate change and flood risk
Scrutiny Homes Sub-Committee - housing policies, housing improvement plan, homelessness and rough sleeping, temporary and emergency accommodation, housing revenue account
Scrutiny team
51.3715596, -0.10005339999998
Croydon Council, Democratic services, 7th Floor, Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
United Kingdom