Do have an issue you'd like to raise with members of the council?
It could be to do with:
- Children’s Education, Services and Training
- Crime and Disorder
- Health and Adult Social Care Services
- Housing
- Neighbourhood and Infrastructure
- Recreation and Leisure Facilities
Find out who your local councillor is.
We want to hear from you
Councillors are active in the local area (known as a 'Ward') and welcome public involvement at every opportunity. We'd like to hear about the issues you may have, so we can do our best to help you find a solution, or at least get a credible explanation.
You can ask your ward councillor to help you get things done including; seeking answers at public meetings, council meetings or Scrutiny committees.
Another way is to persuade your councillors to do a Local Action Mini Review. These are investigations into chosen issues of local interest or concern which are then reported to one of the Croydon Scrutiny Committees. These reviews allow ward Councillors to work with you by researching and bringing a topic to the attention of a Committee which in turn can make recommendations to help address concerns. These recommendations can be made to any public sector organisation in Croydon – not just the council.
Scrutiny team
51.3715596, -0.10005339999998
Croydon Council, Democratic services, 7th Floor, Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
United Kingdom