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Residence were presented with a full festive Christmas lunch buffet, accompanied with cakes and savoury nibbles and of cause Christmas wouldn’t be complete without a real tree.
This was coordinated by members of the Repairs & Maintenance team supported by officers from Health, Wellbeing & Adults. Staff from across the two services volunteered their time to decorate the lounges, serve the buffet food and stay to chat with the residents.
For residents that were not able to attend on the day, volunteers delivered plates of food to individual flats.
“This is such a worthwhile time to give and share with our elderly residents”
“It was good to meet other colleagues and all work together on something different and for others”
“We weren’t really expecting all this and especially when we didn’t have anything last year”
“It’s really lovely to get us together and to see some people who haven’t come out for things like this before”.
Meal sponsors:
Christmas tree:
Norton Gardens
London SW16 4SZ
United Kingdom
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