Emergency plans

Croydon council and Croydon resilience forum emergency plans

Emergency plans

One of the key responsibilities the local authority has as a Category 1 responder in the CCA (2004), is to put emergency plans in place. Croydon Council (LBC) and the Croydon Resilience Forum (CRF) have a number of plans detailing our response arrangements for different the different risks outlined in the CRF Risk Register. These are reviewed and exercised on a regular basis, to ensure that they are fit for purpose.

We also maintain plans for the following capabilities, however due to the sensitive content contained within they are not publically available:

Croydon Council (LBC) capabilities

  • Designated Disaster Mortuary Plan 
  • Fuel Disruption Plan 
  • Identification of Vulnerable Persons (IDVP) Procedure

Croydon Resilience Forum (CRF) multi-agency capabilities

  • Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (Explosive) (CBRNe) Capability 
  • Identification of Vulnerable Persons (IDVP) Plan 
  • Mass Fatalities Incident Response Guidance Document 
  • Structural Collapse Response and Recovery Capability